Zig Ziglar Center for Leadership Development

The Ziglar Center for Leadership Development is dedicated to promoting Biblical leadership principles to the next generation of global leaders. The Center does this through various activities and resources, highlighted by the Ziglar Scholars Program. Click on the following tabs to learn more about us.

  • About Us

    The Zig Ziglar Center for Leadership Development was made possible through the giving of a generous donor. This donor was deeply impacted by the Christian leadership principles taught by the late Zig Ziglar. These same principles will be handed down to future generations.

    The Mission of the Zig Ziglar Center for Leadership Development is to train up the next generation of marketplace leaders.

    The Vision of the Zig Ziglar Center for Leadership Development is to transmit the light of Christ into the global marketplace.

    The mission and vision are achieved through:
    1. Ziglar Scholars Program
    2. Annual guest speaker events
    3. Curriculum development
    4. Academic scholarship (articles and papers) on Biblical and ethical leadership
    5. Student involvement in the Ethics Club
    6. Student participation in the Ethics Bowl

    Here are a few of our thoughts on leadership:

    Psalm 78:72 (NLT) describes David as a leader: “He cared for them with a true heart and led
    them with skillful hands.

    II Timothy 3:16-17 (NLT) displays the fullness of scripture in teaching and training: “All
    Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is
    wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses
    it to prepare and equip His people to do every good work.”

    John 13:13-15 (ESV) offers readers of view of Jesus’ servant leadership: “You call me Teacher
    and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your f
    eet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.”

    Zig Ziglar said in God’s Way is Still the Best Way, “Jesus intends for us to integrate our faith with all aspects of our daily lives – including the marketplace.”

    Michael Ingram states in The Master Plan“I believe that ethics – integrity – can and must be
    passed on to the next generation.”

  • Core Values

    1. From Psalm 78:72 – Biblical leadership requires a heart that is fully devoted to God and
    skills that can be learned.
    2. From II Timothy 3:16-17 – The Bible is the supreme source for training in leadership.
    3. From John 13:13-15 – Jesus modeled leadership through serving others.
    4. From Zig Ziglar – Biblical leadership should be practiced in the marketplace.
    5. From Michael Ingram – Biblical leadership must be passed on to future generations.

    Contact ziglarcenter@mail.ekotasarim.com with any questions or comments.

  • Links

  • Ziglar Scholars

    Current SNU students are encouraged to apply for the Ziglar Scholars Program. Requirements
    for the Ziglar Scholars Program are as follows:

    • Students in the College of Undergraduate Studies must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours at SNU
    • Students in Professional and Graduate Studies must complete a minimum of 6 credit hours at SNU
    • Must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA
    • Must display a desire to grow in ethical leadership

    Expectations of the Ziglar Scholars Program are:
    • Assistance with any programming for the Zig Ziglar Center for Leadership Development
    • Submit a leadership paper each semester that highlights Biblical ethical leadership principles
    • Active membership in the SNU Ethics Club
    • Participation in the Ethics Bowl
    • Write donor a “thank you” letter

    Ziglar Scholars are given:
    • Up to $1000/semester scholarship
    • Books that highlight ethical leadership
    • Priority registration in BADM 3033 Ethics and Leadership
    • All dues and fees associated with the SNU Ethics Club and the Ethics Bowl, including travel expenses
    • Several additional perks

    "*" indicates required fields


  • Academic Research Portal

    Academic scholarship is an important part of achieving the mission and vision of the Zig Ziglar Center for Leadership Development.

    The Journal for Biblical Leadership in the Workplace was developed for Scholar/Practitioner research that furthers the field of Christian leadership.

    Outstanding graduate and undergraduate papers written by Southern Nazarene University students focusing on Biblical leadership in the marketplace are highlighted in this area of the Research Portal.

  • News & Events

    The Zig Ziglar Center for Leadership Development announced three new Ziglar Scholars scholarship recipients on December 2, 2022. Dr. Mark Winslow, Vice President for Academic Affairs for the College of Graduate and Professional Studies, shared some thoughts on leadership, then prayed over the new scholarship recipients. Pictured left to right are Dr. Cathy Hutchings-Wedel, scholarship recipient Rebecca Hernandez, scholarship recipient Christopher Herrera, scholarship recipient Emma Nightengale, and Dr. Mark Winslow.

    On Thursday, May 5, 2022, the Ziglar Center for Leadership Development announced six new Ziglar Scholars scholarship recipients. Dr. Timothy Eades (pictured in back) shared some leadership insights, then prayed over the Ziglar Scholars. Pictured from left to right are the new scholarship recipients: Julia Benn, Sarah Dodd, Molly Pettit, Zachary Woods, Said Martinez, and Arturo Elias.


    The Zig Ziglar Center for Leadership Development hosted Dr. Dave Arnott on October 20, 2021. Dr. Arnott presented to students, faculty, and staff the importance of a Christian worldview when consider business and the economy. Dr. Arnott is a professor at Dallas Baptist University and has published numerous books, including his latest – Biblical Economic Policy. He also runs a podcast called The Christian Economist.


    After the presentation, the first scholarships from the Zig Ziglar Center for Leadership Development were presented.


    Pictured from left to right are Avery Morris, Kalie Coit, Dr. David Shankle, Joseph Robertson, Joshua Gray, and Dr. Dave Arnott. Not pictured is Guy Esquivel


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